游戏简介: 灾厄逆刃是一款快节奏自由移动的平台动作轻型地牢类游戏。刀刀见血的高强度战斗、足不沾地的快节奏空战、鲜亮有特点的像素画风,您将扮演人类最后的希望——凯菈,沉着冷静、智勇双全,相信您可以用手中的利刃来逆转整个地球的命运。 Calamity Blade is a fast-paced, free-moving, platformer, action, light dungeon game. With high-intensity combat, fast-paced aerial combat that doesn't touch the ground, and a bright and distinctive pixel art style, you will play as Kala, the last hope of mankind, who is calm, wise and brave, and believes that you can reverse the fate of the entire earth with the blade in your hand. 巨石灭世,灾厄降临,手持利刃的你,能否勇闯地牢、逆转人类命运? With the destruction of the world and the calamity coming, can you, with a sharp blade in your hand, bravely break into the dungeon and reverse the fate of mankind?
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